PSG is a growth equity company that partners with technology companies to support them as they navigate their growth, and help them take advantage of strategic opportunities.

The concept that guided the project was to design a space that radiates grandeur in its simplicity.  A minimalist look, that exudes reliability and communicates the values of the company in the integrity of the design.

We created a linear look that repeats itself within the space and achieves a sense of infiniteness.

The same was done by the use of unique oriental wood design, and particular metal-ceiling paneling.

The resulting space was dominated by bright light, harmonious colors, and natural materials — such as wood and exposed metal.

The hub of the office is situated in the center of the space and houses the common area — as a continuation to the wide open office entrance.

In so doing, upon entering the office one is greeted with a space that offers vast views.

The Mammad (acronym: standard residential safe room) was conceived as a continuation of the design of the office, in order to maintain the integrity of design and provide a more continual and spacious  feeling.

Transparency is the beauty of simplicity. To be understood naturally. The elegance of simplicity.
